People complain about the heat in Las Vegas, but it only takes a person (me) that has experienced gray skies, snow in June, and mosquitoes to appreciate the wonderful evenings in Las Vegas. No place better, well except Hawaii. We had a wonderful evening with our friends and family.
Emma kept singing "We will, we will, Rock You!"
Noah didn't want to pose - just splash!
and splash!
Sona came over and brought "cutcakes" that she and her mom made. Sona put the sprinkles on the chocolate "cutcakes."
After everyone left, Veronica came home and we hadn't saved her a chocolate cupcake so we had to break out the ice cream. Of course, Sona and I wanted some.
After all that chocolate, Sona's in a posing mood!
Sona's favorite "scary" pose.
After all that chocolate, the least I could do was get her ready for bed before her parents came! |
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