We had some of our long-time friends over for a "Couples Only Pampered Chef Party and Game Night" with Veronica as the demonstrator! We had six different kind of cheese graters (some Pampered Chef - some not) and each guy got to pick one of the graters (in order of who arrived first). They were given a chunk of cheese and raced to see who could grate their cheese first. Roger asked them, "How often to you get invited to a party where you're asked to
cut the cheese?" Jake won with the old fashioned grater.
Jake picked the one he knew how to use! |
Next we played a game where each couple had to name the Pampered Chef item and page number with the description of the product. Open Catalog quiz! Andy and Rosa came close, but Jake and Carmel won that, also!
Just in case you noticed the paint splashes on the wall, we are trying to decide on a paint color for the dining room and kitchen..feel free to weigh in!
We ate dinner - using the grated cheese for toppers on our twice-baked potatoes and then Veronica demonstrated our new favorite dessert - Churros Con Chocolat! All of the women took a turn at twisting the dough to make the best churro. Veronica was the judge and Diana, who happened to be celebrating her birthday, won that contest. We made flags so Veronica could be the impartial judge! Of course, they all did great and they tasted delicious. Carmel is pregnant, but Roger fed the elephant in his tummy with three churros.
Number 6 is the winner!
Go Diana!
I made a birthday cake for Diana, so we sang Happy Birthday to her and ate the chocolate cake and churros con chocolat! Good bet if you come to this house for dinner, you will have chocolate AND get your picture taken!
A candle for each decade... |
Great friends!
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