Halloween Weekend: Two Trunk or Treats

We normally volunteer at our church Trunk or Treat on Halloween night. There are a couple of problems with not being home on Halloween. The first is we never get to see the cute little trick-or-treaters and while we have left candy on the doorstep, my big Tupperware bowl was taken along with the candy one year! The other is that our grandchildren can't give up trick-or-treating so they seldom want to come to the Trunk or Treat. Well, we are at a new church after 20 years and the new church has their Trunk or Treat before Halloween! Hurray! I got to see some of my grandchildren in costume. We still weren't home on Halloween night, however, because my next-door neighbor said no kids trick or treat in our  mostly retirement gated community.  Roger and I took a trip to Valley of Fire after I took confirmation pictures on Sunday afternoon. Another wonderful weekend!

Veronica as a tourist and me as Paula Deen!
Jocelynn as Lady Gaga and her friend, Danielle as a mental patient
Elijah, Ryan, and grandson, Chance (with a mouthful of candy?)
Our long-time friends, Dan and Pam, came to help by face-painting and then recruited Veronica near the end to help. Pam talked her into helping out our old church with face-painting on Halloween night!

Another Trunk or Treat!
Sona and Carmel - beside their prize-winning pumpkin and trunk!

No way am I kissing that face, daddy!
