Waiting on Colton with Sona

I love, love, love being a grandmother. Gigi stands for Grandma Gonzales and that is where my business name comes from. Well, we were waiting on a new grandson to be born and I volunteered to stay with Sona when it came time for her parents to go to the hospital. When we pulled out the Christmas decorations, I still had a Gingerbread House kit that I planned on making with the grandchildren but never got around to it last year, or the year before, or the year before. I thought it would be great for Sona and I to do together while she was waiting for her baby brother.

On her stool mixing the frosting - the kit was so old that the frosting was hard as a rock!

She got up and put on her jewelry - Miss Donna Reed - anyone remember her?

Getting ready - pictures first, Sona!
She loved doing this but I told her the candy was old so she couldn't eat it.

They are clip ons

"Gigi, I got frosting on my thumb!"

Ready for the day and Gingerbread House done!! 

Now, waiting for the call that we can go to the hospital and meet baby brother.
