In June we finally went to the Villa! This is really where my sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law decided to call home after pooling their resources and moving into the same place. It truly is a beautiful villa in California. We are blessed as they have a guest room reserved for us almost anytime we want. We were all tired of waiting to see people during the pandemic and didn't want to kill anyone, accidentally or on purpose, so we finally went to see them three months into the pandemic. There was a party going on, a baby shower. They waited so long to see if it was okay to have it and the expectant mom had the baby just a few hours after the shower!
From June to October a took a break from Facebook (I couldn't handle the hostility from friends correcting me on what I didn't know about COVID all the way to desert honey). I've gotten over it and realized COVID-19 made us all a little crazy. But it makes it hard to remember what happened when you aren't documenting your life every minute! Here's what I remember.
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