Kayla - First Look!

Okay, yes, I've had blogathy (apathy about my blog). Truth is I took an office job last January and haven't given this blog a lot of time. But, hey, it's a New Year! I just may have a blogathon (updating every 30 minutes for 24 hours)!

Kayla's grandmother wanted to have a photoshoot for Kayla's eighth birthday. She said, "Is that silly?" NOT AT ALL! Does anyone still have a Gameboy? How about an Atari system? Does anyone even know what those are? But, how many still have photos of themselves when they were a kid? Best present ever, Grandma! I had a lot of fun taking Kayla's photos. Since it's close to Valentine's Day, I even bought a template for some Valentine's Cards in case she wants to pass them out to her classmates. Here's the First Look...

Here is Kayla with her favorite book.

Kayla was a great model!

I gave her a sucker for being such a great subject, but she left it at my house! Don't worry, Kayla, I'll give your grandmother another one for you.
Thanks, Grandma!


  1. Wow she is growing up so fast! Thank you for posting these. You captured her essence beautifully!

    Cousin Karen


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