February 2020 Adventures (Yes, published in 2021)

February is a full month for birthdays in our family. I have a son, grandson, granddaughter, brother-in-law, niece, and nephews all born in February. Oh, yes, mine is in February also. My sister-in-law is the best at recognizing birthdays so she always includes me, too, but the big one in her family is her husband and son. So, I frequently get invited to amazing birthday celebrations for the brother-in-law. In 2020 it was a fun but unusual small birthday celebration–a wine blending party. I'm trying to be better at not publicizing family activities that are not my own, but I had to post a few without people. This was the month before the shutdown but people were already talking about the Coronavirus so it was a small party. When all this is over, I would love to have a wine blending party, myself.

The object was to blend your own Rhone wine from Grenache, Syrah, and Mourvèdre. Roger was very happy as his favorite wine is Rhone. 

Of course, you have to eat. We always have wonderful dinners, here.

The birthday boy and his wife had gone on a retirement trip up the coast of California, and continued on to visit wineries (and family and friends) in California, Oregon, and Washington. This is where they got the idea for the blending party.

When we came home, we went to one of our favorite restaurants for my birthday! My husband takes care of me, too. We have it mixed up, though. I always want my family for my birthday and he wants to be alone with me for his birthday. So, on my birthday, we frequently spend it alone and on his birthday, I have a big bash for him.
