One of the things not many people expected or had experienced before was Zoom meetings or get-togethers. Yes, we had FaceTime, FaceBook Messenger, and Google Duo but Zoom took over. My daughter was already experienced in hosting Trivia Nights through a once a week gig of Geeks Who Drink. I can't remember how it came about but we talked her into hosting a Zoom Trivia Night. Veronica first invited us, her in-laws, her siblings, and her nieces and nephews. Then she invited her friends, and aunts and uncles. We only did this once with the group below. We enjoyed it, but I guess we whined that the questions were too hard. I was just happy we didn't lose, at least I think we didn't.


Even though Veronica didn't conduct another Zoom trivia, we loved it and invited some of our friends. We each took turns for about 4 more weeks but then summer hit, we thought we'd be out of quarantine, and some people were traveling. It was fun while it lasted.

The other thing we did for awhile during quarantine was play our family game, Canasta, with Veronica and Justin. The four of us have FaceTime so we figured out some rules for us to play. We did this for awhile but they beat us every single time and Justin got called back to work so we stopped playing except in person. This too, was fun while it lasted. Sometimes I think it just reminded us of how much we wanted to be together in person, even though it could be fun.
