March 2020 Sunset Park



Most of our family wouldn't see us in March - they were afraid they would kill us or kill themselves. I could go to work as long as I didn't get close to anyone or go in their office and Roger started working from home. I was even nervous and stayed away from our Bible study for a month. All but one other couple (she worked in a grocery store which was wide open and didn't want to kill us) out of five couples continued to meet. They were very sweet and let us Zoom in but we felt very left out as they were having dinner and went on with the study.

For us, a very social couple, especially seeing our family on a regular basis, it was hard. Not nearly as hard for people living alone or people dying of Covid, but still hard. So, we went to the park.

There were many people there, some playing basketball before they lock-downed the courts. But life seemed almost normal.

Here are a few of the pictures from our walk in the park on a beautiful day in Las Vegas.
